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  • 25 May 2013 4:51 PM | Deleted user
    LWVSP hosted an event featuring April Todd-Malmlov (Executive Director at MNsure) titled "A Presentation On Mn's Health Insurance Exchange."

    Ms. Todd-Malmlov gave a presentation on MNsure, Minnesota's new health insurance exchange, beginning in October 2013.

    This event will be aired at the following times on SPNN/Channel 19:

    05/26/13, 2:00 pm CH19
    05/26/13, 10:00 pm CH19
    05/27/13, 1:00 pm CH19
    05/28/13, 9:00 pm CH19
    05/29/13, 3:00 pm CH19
    05/31/13, 9:00 pm CH19
    06/02/13, 6:00 pm CH19
    06/03/13, 8:00 pm CH19
    06/05/13, 3:00 pm CH19
    06/07/13, 2:00 pm CH19
    06/08/13, 3:00 pm CH19
    06/08/13, 8:00 pm CH19

  • 21 May 2013 10:51 AM | Deleted user
    Several LWVSP members and board members attended the LWV MN state convention last weekend.

    LWVSP members enjoying convention

    We attended sessions on Program (which is the LWV's term for our non-partisan version of a platform) and social media.
    We also voted on changes to the bylaws, two topics for concurrence and two policy topics updates. More information on Program for 2013 can be found here.

  • 16 May 2013 3:04 PM | Deleted user

    LWV Minnesota is asking members at the May 18-19 to adopt a concurrence to a LWV Michigan position on that issue. Please see the attached document for additional information on this issue.  The LWV MN vote will be on Sunday afternoon at the state convention.

    Please review the document here:
    Program proposed concurrence-Felon 2013.docx

    Below is an excerpt from the attached document:



    LWV Michigan Policy (updated 2010):  The LWVMI supports. . . [p]reservation of an incarcerated person’s right to . . . [a]ccess . . . the vote following incarceration.

    Current Minnesota Law:  Individuals who are convicted of a felony in Minnesota are not able to vote  when they are incarcerated, on supervised release (parole) or probation.  Current law “creates significant confusion among the public, election judges, election administrators and the individual convicted of a felony.“[i]

    Recommendation: That LWV Minnesota concur with the LWV Michigan policy, hereinafter called the “Incarcerated/Nonincarcerated Model.”


    • ·         Clarify Minnesota law by allowing a convicted, nonincarcerated felon the right to vote when under community supervision (probation or supervised release).
    • ·         Simplify the process of determining whether a person who has been convicted of a felony is eligible to vote, creating fewer challenges for election administrators in making the determination.
    • ·         Save money for local units of government by
    • o   streamlining eligibility determinations for election administrators
    • o   avoiding expenses in proposed 2013 legislation which would require mailed notification to felons in the community of their restricted voting rights
    • o   avoiding the expense of prosecuting those who mistakenly register or vote.

    [i] First Interim Report and Initial Recommendation of Task Force on Election Integrity, Jan. 30, 2012, accessible on the MN Secretary of State’s website at www.sos.state.mn.us/ 

  • 16 May 2013 2:54 PM | Deleted user

    Via TakeAction MN:

    Justice 4 All in collaboration with Neighborhoods Organizing for Change present Locked up Locked out, a community forum to examine MN's racial jobs gap and what communities can do to close it for good. 


    The forum will include story telling from community members impacted by the justice system and locked out of the workforce; a discussion on racial jobs gap and the impact of the justice system on communities of color; and a presentation on the complaint process for victims of employment discrimination based on race and criminal background. 


    When  Saturday, May 18, 2013
    Saturday, May 18, 2013
    11 AM - 2 PM
     Register here.

    Where  MN Neighborhoods Organizing For Change
    911 W. Broadway Ave.
    Minneapolis, MN  55411
  • 18 Jan 2013 9:38 AM | Deleted user

    In 2012, League members registered over 9,000 new citizens to vote. In addition, after the deadline for early registration, we helped an additional over 800 to fill out their forms to take with them to their polling place on Election Day (and sign and date it in front of an Election Judge). One of the reasons we are able to do this activity is because we are there, as volunteers, even when it is not a big election year. So, make plans to join us on any of the dates below:
    • Thursday, Jan. 24, 11 a.m. (10 a.m.) Minneapolis Convention Center (1,500 expected)
    • Tuesday, Feb. 19, 11 a.m. (10 a.m.) Macalester College, John B. Davis Lecture Hall
    • Thursday, Feb. 28th 10 a.m. (9 a.m.) and 2 p.m. (1 p.m.) Fitzgerald Theater
    The official schedule has not been finalized, but more ceremonies will be added when it is! At a recent small ceremony at St. Paul Academy, the guest speaker was a student's parent who had become a new citizen in September. She told us that she and her husband, both of whom were from Brazil, knew they wanted to vote in the November election. “As we were going to the ceremony, I was thinking that the next thing I needed to do was register to vote. I wasn't sure where to go...but there YOU were (that's us, LWV members!) and we registered and were able to vote. We were very happy.” Our efforts are worth it!

    Please let us know when you might be able to help. The large ceremony on January 24 will call for quite a few volunteers. Click here to contact the League of Women Voters of St. Paul to volunteer.
  • 17 Jan 2013 2:17 AM | Deleted user
    It's that time of year again! The Nominations Committee, headed by Vicki Gee-Treft, is now recruiting talented and dedicated board members. If you are interested in joining, contact Vicki at: vgee-treft@smm.org

    Check out our Get Involved > Volunteer page for more information about specific opportunities. 

  • 16 Jan 2013 10:16 PM | Deleted user
    This fall we hired two interns to head our Voter Registration and Candidate Forums programs. Over 300 people attended our Candidate Forums. 


  • 16 Jan 2013 10:09 PM | Deleted user
    In May former LWVSP President, Dolkar Tenzin and Laura Schwartz attended the League of Women Voters National Convention in Washington D.C. 

  • 16 Jan 2013 10:05 PM | Deleted user
    Our 2012-2013 board poses at our fall retreat!

  • 16 Jan 2013 10:00 PM | Deleted user
    In 2012 we received a grant from the U.S. Congress to host emerging leaders from the Republic of Georgia. They learned about and toured local our gov't. Here they pose with Mark Ritchie.

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