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  • 04 Oct 2015 5:50 PM | Deleted user

    CMAL, the Council of Metropolitan Area Leagues, is made up of representatives of the 15 or 16 local Leagues of Women Voters in the metropolitan area.  Its function is to monitor regional issues such as transportation and involves keeping an eye on the Metropolitan Council, in particular.  They have four meetings each year.  As with every League meeting, CMAL's meetings are free and open to the public and are a means of helping to educate citizens on issues important to the well-being of our entire area.

    Your city in 2027: Planning future metro development 

    Saturday, October 17, 2015 

    10:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. (10:00 check-in)

    Edina Library, 5280 Grandview Square

    Speaker: Lisa Barajas, Local Planning Assistance Manager, Metropolitan Council

    CMAL Board Members

    This year, the CMAL Board Members include: Karen Schaffer (Roseville/Maplewood/Falcon Heights), Susan Anderson (Anoka/Blaine/Coon Rapids), Liz Lauder (White Bear Lake Area), Lynn Gitelis (Golden Valley), Lynne Markus (Woodbury/Cottage Grove), and Geneva MacMillan (Minnetonka/Eden Prairie/Hopkins). 

    An Opportunity for a Saint Paul League Member

    We are looking for a League member who is interested in acting as our representative at these events. This person must attend all four CMAL meetings in various metro locations or send a substitute. After the events, the representative must provide a report meeting to the St. Paul League Board (via email is acceptable). Contact Mary Vik (shack194849@gmail.com) if you are interested. 

  • 28 Sep 2015 9:52 PM | Deleted user

    In June, a number of our delegates attended the State Convention. Conversations surrounded the theme, “Innovation and Inclusion.” A highlight of the event was the keynote address from MayKao Hang. 

    We’d like to highlight a few items to our members at the local level:

    Need for Policy Education & Outreach Volunteers

    LWV Minnesota no longer has a Policy Education & Outreach individual due to funding cuts. If you want to see that changed, please share your voice. Ask the LWV Minnesota to include funding for this role in the next budgetvoting takes place at the 2017 convention. This budget cut means that policy outreach and action work will land almost exclusively on volunteers. It may be easier for members of our chapter to get involved because we are close tot he capitol. If you would like to help in this capacity, please let us know. This is a great opportunity for our League to stand out and show our dedication!

    Slight Increase in Membership Fees Expected

    Second, due to budget concerns, per-member payments to LWV Minnesota will likely rise after next year by a few dollars. Per-Member Payments (PMPs) are essentially the state portion of the dues you pay.  Our local chapter will most likely raise our dues to cover this increase.

    Learn More About Campaign Finance Reform

    Finally, LWV Minnesota is doing a program update on campaign finance that we hope you will attend. “Campaign finance” includes issues about how candidate campaigns are funded and how money in politics affects law and policy.To learn more about campaign finance, check out the resources available on the LWV Minnesota site.

  • 22 May 2015 9:11 AM | Deleted user

    Check out this St. Paul Dispatch article about the League of Women Voters St. Paul from 1949!! The article was found in a wall during a renovation.

  • 22 May 2015 7:06 AM | Deleted user

    Thanks to everyone who attended the League of Women Voters St. Paul's 95th Annual Meeting on Monday. Special thanks to this year's outgoing board of directors. And congratulations to this year's board, Nicole Mickelson as recipient of the Sunrise Award, and Marge Anderson as recipient of the Faye Lyksett Award!!

    Joan Newmark welcomes Sally Patterson.

    Special guests Fiona and Seda presenting as Carrie Chapman Catt and Maud Wood Park.

    Marge Anderson accepting the Faye Lyksett Award as presented by Judy Screaton.

    Marge and her family. Congrats Marge!!

  • 14 Nov 2014 5:16 PM | Deleted user

    Photos from 65A Candidate Forum held on Oct. 29, 2014.

  • 21 Oct 2014 2:33 PM | Deleted user

    LWV St. Paul has developed an excellent voter guide available here for download. Share far and wide to help educate voters on the candidates running for office.

  • 30 Sep 2014 9:04 PM | Deleted user

    Be sure to share this report on the Comparison of Voter Turnout by St. Paul Planning District by Type of Election by Selected Demographics 2010 & 2012. The report compares turnout for state, federal, and county commissioner races. It may come as no surprise that the lowest turnout is for the commissioner races. Yet, the county controls so much of what affects people's daily lives such as roads, parks, libraries, water, sewer, social services, judicial services, law enforcement, and on and on. County commissioner races are regularly uncontested with residents being unaware of who is running and what they stand for. Let's work to change this!

  • 29 Sep 2014 8:16 PM | Deleted user

    LWV St. Paul hosted an excellent panel discussion on Campaign Finance in early September. If you weren't able to attend the event, be sure to watch the video.


  • 17 Sep 2014 10:33 AM | Deleted user
    The Ramsey County Elections Office will be open to all voters who wish to vote early in‐person for the 2014 state general election on the following schedule.

    September 19 ‐ October 24 (Monday – Friday) 8:00am to 4:30pm

    Saturday, October 25 8:00am to 1:00pm

    Monday, October 27 through Thursday, October 30 8:00am to 7:00pm

    Friday, October 31 8:00am to 4:30pm

    Saturday, November 1 8:00am to 3:00pm

    Sunday, November 2 10:00am to 2:00pm

    Monday, November 3 8:00am to 5:00pm


    Voters in suburban Ramsey County (except Falcon Heights) may also vote early in‐person at their city or town halls. Please contact your city or town for specific dates and hours.

  • 12 Sep 2014 10:30 AM | Deleted user

    The Met Council’s Housing Policy Plan will support the Council’s Thrive MSP 2040 , the Council’s regional development guide. Designed to assist local communities and advance regional housing goals, the Plan will establish the Council’s broad housing policy direction for the coming decades. Housing investment and disinvestment have a critical impact on the vitality of the region, its cities, its neighborhoods, and its households and families. The Plan will focus on promoting housing options that give people in all life stages and of all economic means viable choices for safe, stable and affordable homes.

    The Metropolitan Council released the draft for comment in July 2014 and is holding a public hearing on the Housing Policy Plan.

    The public hearing on the 2040 Housing Policy Plan will be held

    Monday, September 15, 2014 at 5 p.m.
    Metropolitan Council Chambers
    390 Robert Street North
    Saint Paul, MN 55101

    All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing. Upon request, the Metropolitan Council will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities (advance notice of any specific accommodations you may need is appreciated).

    Comment by 5 p.m. September 26

    You can comment on the plan through 5 p.m. Friday, September 26, 2014 via

    • Mail: Metropolitan Council, 390 Robert Street North, Saint Paul, MN 55101
    • TTY: 651-291-0904
    • Email: public.info@metc.state.mn.us
    • Record on our Public Comment Line 651-602-1500
    • Share via Your Ideas website http://yourideas.metrocouncil.org/ideas
    • Speak at the public hearing on Monday, September 15, 2014 at 5 p.m. Register in advance by calling 651-602-1500.

    The DRAFT 2040 Housing Policy Plan can be found here.

    Here is a newsletter article about the DRAFT 2040 Housing Policy Plan. This article contains great background information about the plan.

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