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  • 30 Oct 2013 7:44 AM | Deleted user

    The League of Women Voters will once again participate in Give to the Max Day, a 24-hour giving marathon. In 2012, Give to the Max Day inspired more than 53,000 generous donors from Minnesota and beyond to give $16.3 million dollars, shattering previous event records. This year two donors, one to a nonprofit and one to a school, will be randomly chosen every hour to have $1,000 added to their donation. As a participant in Give to the Max Day, the League of Women Voters of St. Paul has a chance to win one of these additional donations. Be sure to visit GiveMN or use the widget below to donate to LWVSP by November 14, 2013.

    To learn more about Give to the Max Day, visit GiveMN.org for details.

  • 22 Oct 2013 10:10 AM | Deleted user

    Did you miss the recent Ward One and School Board Candidate Forums hosted by the League of Women Voters of St. Paul? Well, here is your chance to listen to what the candidates had to say. YouTube links and SPNN schedules for the Ward One Debate and the School Board Candidates/Achievement Gap forum are below:

    Link to the Achievement Gap/School Board forum:

    And the link to Ward One Debate:

    Here are the SPNN air dates:

    Ward One Candidate Forum 10-15-13                CP-DEB8-1301
    Tue 10/22/13 8:00    pm      
    Thu 10/24/13            1:00    pm
    Thu 10/24/13            10:00  pm      
    Sun 10/27/13            9:00    pm      
    Mon 10/28/13            9:00    am
    Tue 10/29/13 2:00    pm      
    Tue 10/29/13 7:00    pm
    Sat 11/02/13  2:00    pm      
    Sat 11/02/13  6:00    pm

    School Board Candidate Forum   10-17-13          CP-DEB8-1302
    Thu, 10/24/2013       8:00    pm
    Fri, 10/25/2013         9:00    am
    Sat, 10/26/2013        9:00    pm
    Sat, 10/26/2013        7:00    am
    Wed, 10/30/2013      9:00    am
    Thu, 10/31/2013       7:00    pm
    Thu, 10/31/2013       2:00    pm
    Sun, 11/03/2013      6:00    pm

  • 30 Sep 2013 8:14 AM | Deleted user
    Members and Friends: What's YOUR vision for community media and technology in our city? Sign up for a Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) focus group on the future of cable service, community media and technology. The focus groups are scheduled for Oct 2-4. Make your voice heard.

    See the following website for more information: http://www.spnn.org/FocusGroups.
  • 25 Sep 2013 7:24 PM | Anonymous member
    On Sept 11  State Rep Sheldon Johnson met with the Coalition for Impartial Justice,  constituents from District 67B and  interested St Paul LWV members.

    The Coalition for Impartial Justice led the discussion on the proposed constitutional amendment concerning judicial selection, retention and evaluation.The aim of the amendment is  to prevent judicial campaigns from becoming politically driven or judges being beholden to special interest groups that contribute large sums of money to a judges campaign.This reform would feature a nonpartisan performance evaluation commission, retention elections to ensure that voters retain accountability and performance evaluation results made available to voters.

    Rep. Johnson sits on the Judiciary Finance and Policy Judiciary Committee and was encouraged to support the amendment by the participating constituents. He does support the amendment but said that committee chair, Rep. Debra Hilstrom, is not a strong supporter of the amendment.

    The group thanks Byerlys for allowing any public group or person to meet in the space that used to be their restaurant.
  • 23 Sep 2013 7:50 PM | Deleted user
    The St. Paul League held a meeting on The Digital Divide September 18.  Our speakers were Kara Schommer of the St. Paul Community Literacy Consortium and Desiree Culpitt of AmeriCorps.  They the audience riveted for over an hour.  Sixteen people attended.  They provided us with web sites to give us more detailed information on the Digital Divide and Adult Digital training. Resources from the event are available here: Digital Divide Resources
  • 16 Sep 2013 12:10 PM | Deleted user
    It’s been a mild summer but it’s clearly a hot year for Candidate Forum and Moderator
    Training in Minnesota. Based on all the feedback from around the state, there will be
    four Workshops for League members interested in learning how to better plan candidate
    forums and how to become moderators. This workshop is primarily designed for new
    moderators and Voter Service Chairs/Forum Coordinators.  The workshop will include new modules, a mock forum and interactive exercises designed to encourage League members to share their experiences and learn from each other. Follow this link for more information: https://www.lwvmn.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=443.

    All workshops are open to anyone who is interested in attending! 

    Date & Time Time Location Details
    Friday, September 27 10:00am -
    Duluth, location to be
    Lunch will be available at cost.
    When registering, please indicate

    Saturday, September 28 12:00-
    Plymouth Public Library,
    15700 36th Ave. N.,
    Brown bag lunches and drinks
    with covers are permitted.

    Saturday, October 5 9:00am -
    League of Women Voters
    Minnesota Office
    550 Rice St., St. Paul
    Lunch will be ordered. When
    registering, please indicate
    interest. Or, bring your own.
    Please bring beverages of choice.

    Wednesday, October 9 4:30pm -
    Winona State University,
    Minne Hall, Room 109
    When registering, please indicate
    interest in box lunch. Please bring
    own beverage.

  • 16 Sep 2013 12:01 PM | Deleted user

    The St. Paul LWV will be conducting forums for the city-wide Mayor’s and School Board races. In addition to the city-wide ballot races, we are partnering with District Councils 7 and 8 in Frogtown to sponsor a candidate forum for Ward 1 candidates. There are seven candidates, and thus lots of competition.

    Mayoral Forum

    When: Thursday, October 24, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

    Where: School District Central office, Rooms A and B, 360 Colborne St.

    Candidates: Sharon Anderson, Chris Coleman, Tim Holden, Kurt Dornfeld



    School Board Debate:

    When: Thursday, October 17, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

    Place: Hallie Q. Brown Community Center, 270 N. Kent St.

    Candidates: Jean O’Connor, John Broderick, Chue Vue, Terrance Bushard, Greg Copeland



    City Council Ward 1 Candidate Forum:

    When: Tuesday, October 15, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

    Where: Hubbs Center, 1030 University Avenue

    Candidates: Dai Thao, Paul Holmgren, Mark Voerding, Noel Nix, Johnny Howard, Kazoua Kong Thao, Debbie Montgomery

  • 31 Aug 2013 2:37 PM | Deleted user
    The Center for the Study of Politics and Governance at the Humphrey School asked LWVSP to share the following information about a course that may be of interest to our members:
    The engine room of American democracy is the fair and impartial conduct of elections. Lately however, headlines trumpet the breakdown and challenges to fairly administering elections -- a national fight over voter ID laws, the uncertain future with a narrowed Voting Rights Act, and long Election Day lines. President Obama’s observation of the nation’s election system-- “we need to fix that--” expresses a view that is shared across the political spectrum. 

    For a great introduction to the world of election administration, register for Humphrey's PA 5980: Topics in American Election Administration, taught by national elections expert Doug Chapin. 

    PA 5980 Topics in American Election Administration: Policy and Practice
    Alternate Fridays (6 sessions)
    9:05 am – 12:05 pm 
    September 20, 2013 - December 6, 2013 
    2 – 3 credits

    If you are a Minnesota resident 62 years of age or older, you qualify for a reduced fee of only $10 per credit. Please see below for more information:

    The course is open to all grade levels and the general public. For a permission code or more information, please contact Doug Chapin at dchapin@umn.edu. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • 17 Jun 2013 7:16 PM | Deleted user
    Planned Parenthood is hosting the People's Party" tomorrow 6/18/13 at the Harriet Island Pavilion from 4:00pm - 8:00 pm.

    The free event will celebrate all the amazing grassroots accomplishments that have been fueled by community efforts in the past year!

    Please RSVP here!
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