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  • 09 Oct 2016 4:34 PM | Anonymous


    Viewing Schedule on SPNN
    Thu 10/13/16, 7:00 pm
    Sat 10/15/16, 8:00 am
    Sat 10/15/16, 7:00 pm
    Sun 10/16/16, 9:30 am

    Co-Sponsor: Hallie Q. Brown Community Center



    Viewing Schedule on SPNN

    Fri 10/14/16, 7:00 pm
    Sat 10/15/16, 9:30 am
    Sun 10/16/16, 8:00 am
    Sun 10/16/16, 7:00: pm

    Co-Sponsors: Highland Park District Council and Civic Eagle

  • 19 Sep 2016 6:40 AM | Anonymous

    You can read the September-October 2016 issue of our newsletter here!

  • 17 Sep 2016 12:32 PM | Anonymous

    On November 8, 2016, Minnesota voters will be asked whether to amend the Constitution to remove from the Legislature the power to set their own salary. This proposed Constitution Amendment will create a Legislative Pay Council. This citizen council will be responsible for determining the salary of state legislators. This proposed amendment was authorized with bipartisan support in the 2013 Legislature. Failure to vote on the amendment has the same effect as voting no on the amendment.

    Click this link to download a flyer with more information on the Amendment.

  • 11 Sep 2016 8:58 AM | Deleted user

    The following report was provided by our Observer Corps volunteer, Elizabeth Zalanga:

    As students prepare to head back to school, The Saint Paul Board of Education is also preparing for the 2016- 2017 school year. During the August Board meeting, the Board listened to presentations about district-wide school readiness updates. Interim Superintendent Dr. John Thein expressed his excitement for his first day of school by saying he “can’t wait to see the smiling faces of all the students and staff on September 6th and 8th.”

    Dr. Thein, a former educator, administrator, and superintendent of Roseville Public Schools, was named the interim superintendent last month when the Board officially voted Valeria Silva out of the superintendent seat. This decision was heavily criticized and led to the immediate resignation of Board member Jean O'Connell, who strongly disagreed with the actions of some of the Board members and the lack of transparency in this matter. Silva received a separation agreement worth $787,500 and will serve full-time as a special consultant through September 2017. No details have been provided yet about the search for her permanent replacement. 

    Another important topic discussed during the Board meeting was about clarifying the role of school resource officers (SROs) in district high schools. The board voted 5–0 to approve a new contract for police officers assigned to work at high schools, which includes additional training, monthly meetings with student advisory councils, and new distinguishing uniforms. The contract comes after a video of a school resource officer at Central High School arresting a former student suspected of trespassing was posted on Facebook and within hours was viewed nearly 206,000 times. The officer was widely criticized for his actions as many believed he was being unnecessarily aggressive. This contract serves as a way to improve relationships between school resource officers and students.

    Our Observer Corps works to help monitor city government and its various departments, including: City Council, Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED), and the soccer stadium committee. If you would like to become an Observer Corps volunteer, please email Mary Vik at shack194849@gmail.com. 

  • 26 Jul 2016 8:52 PM | Deleted user

    We've received an overwhelming response to this request for volunteers and have filled up the fall schedule at local libraries. Thank you to our volunteers for your energy and support of the League. We couldn't do it without you!

    You can make a difference this election season by registering voters this September and October at the library! Many local libraries have coordinated times for the League to visit and register voters. The libraries will provide tables and computers to help voters register online or find their polling place. While LWVSP will provide signs, forms and information. All we need is you! As a volunteer you will help library visitors fill out forms and empower them to make their voices heard this November.

    Please see the schedule suggested by the libraries below and let us know if you can volunteer for one or more shifts. We'd obviously love for you to volunteer as much as you can. Please email or call Nichole Fairbanks at nicholef@hlaccountants.com or 651-251-4389 and let her know the dates, times and locations you would be available to volunteer.

    Please note: There has been a specific request from the Highland Park location for a volunteer that speaks Amharic. If you or someone you know speaks Amharic, please let us know and consider helping in this location.

    Branch and Location  Preferred Days in September/October   Preferred Times
     Dayton's Bluff
     645 E 7th St
     Saint Paul, MN 55106
     Thursdays (except October 19)  5-7 p.m.

     George Latimer Central Library
     90 W 4th St
     Saint Paul, MN 55102

     Mondays, Tuesdays or Sundays  Mon. 12-2 p.m.
     Tue. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
     Sun. 1:30-3:30 p.m. 

     Highland Park
     1974 Ford Parkway
     Saint Paul, MN 55116

     Tuesdays  5-7 p.m. or
     5:30-7:30 p.m.

     Merriam Park
     1831 Marshall Ave
     Saint Paul, MN 55104

     Mondays or Wednesdays  4-6 p.m. or
     5-7 p.m.

     Rondo Community Outreach Library
     461 North Dale St
     Saint Paul, MN 55103

     Mondays or Tuesdays  Any two-hour block between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.

     Sun Ray
     2105 Wilson Ave
     Saint Paul, MN 55119

     Tuesday, Sept 20, Monday, Sept 26,  Monday, Oct 3, and/or Tuesday, Oct 4

     9/20 5-7 p.m.
     9/26 4-6 p.m.
     10/3 5-7 p.m.
     10/4 4-6 p.m.

     West 7th Community Center
     265 Oneida St
     Saint Paul, MN 55102

     Friday, October 7 (This is the date of the monthly program "Fare for All" with 150+ library visitors.)  10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

  • 28 Jun 2016 1:39 PM | Anonymous

    From a report to the Board of Directors from Program Chair Judy Screaton about our 2016 Youth Voter Registration project:

    We visited six St. Paul High Schools hosting eight registration events.  We used iPads and iPhones to conduct the registration.  Online registration is encouraged by the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office due to accuracy and the resulting saving of money.  Overall, 99% of registrations were done online with only five students using paper forms. St. Paul High Schools provide students with an electronic device. We asked for a show of hands to get registration totals.

    We registered over 300 students, provided voter information to over 1090 students, 10 League volunteers participated, and estimated volunteer hours spent on the project was 67.

    We partnered with the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office to register the entire senior class at one time at Harding High School.  We registered 93 students in 15 minutes.

    Congratulations and thanks to Judy and our volunteers! A special thanks also to Alena Porter, our Youth Voter Coordinator.

  • 17 Jun 2016 8:33 PM | Deleted user

    On Saturday, June 11, members from eleven League chapters met for a moderator training workshop led by LWVMN president, Terry Kalil.

    New Board member Jayne Discenza attended and provided this report:

    “As a new Saint Paul voter last year, League’s forum for my ward’s city council race was invaluable in informing my vote. It’s clear from the national debates on television that moderating politicians can be quite a trial. This training sought to raise the bar for local debates by reinforcing League goals of nonpartisanship and providing the nuts-and-bolts logistics of running a forum.

    Prior to arriving, participants were instructed to write out the most offensive, off-topic, petty questions imaginable. As a group exercise, participants re-wrote them to comply with League standards. This task demonstrated the importance of question screening and sorting—more difficult than one might expect. Do you reject a question that may be offensive, or should it be composed differently to get to the heart of the question? How do we maintain our neutrality while still asking tough questions?

    Much of the workshop was a discussion on characteristics of an effective moderator, from tactics of controlling the room, handling crises and noncompliant participants, and elevating the level of discourse. Experienced moderators shared their horror stories and successes and helped those of us with no experience address our hesitancies surrounding moderating. At the end of the training, I walked away with a greater understanding of League ideals of nonpartisanship and objectivity.”

  • 25 Apr 2016 10:01 AM | Deleted user

    Are you interested in engaging young voters? Or, looking for a way to get involved this election season without a large time commitment?

    We have a very successful youth voter registration campaign going on now!  In April and May we are registering high school seniors at Harding High School, Washington Technical Magnet, Creative Arts High School, Como Park High School and Highland Park High School.

    As part of this, on April 27, we are registering the entire senior class at Harding High School and offering a way to get a reminder phone call about voting in November. A representative from the Secretary of State will also be in attendance at this event!

    We are still looking for more volunteers to help us register students at Como Park Senior High School on Monday, May 16, 2016. There are two openings for three hours in the morning and two openings for three hours in the afternoon. If you are interested in helping with this important registration drive, please email Judy at rjscreaton@gmail.com.

    *Photo via Flickr, KOMUNews

  • 30 Mar 2016 5:11 PM | Deleted user

    On Monday, March 28, 2016, the League of Women Voters - Saint Paul hosted the "Use Your Voice" Concert with Grammy and two-time Americana Music Award winner Patty Griffin; Sara Watkins, a founding member of the Grammy Award-winning group Nickel Creek; and acclaimed singer/songwriter Anaïs Mitchell. The event was a huge successover 1,000 people attended to support the artists and voter participation.

    Amy Mino, our Treasurer, opened the event with a speech to a crowd donning "I Will Vote" stickers about the importance of voting and the work that the League is doing this year to increase voter turnout. The League received several special mentions throughout the night and high praise from the artists which led several individuals to approach the League after the event to ensure they would receive updates on upcoming opportunities to get involved and to inquire about materials that will be helpful for the cause.

    The artists really shined throughout the night, crooning to the group of politically active citizens and supporters of the League. We're very happy with the event and hope it is a sign of the many successes yet to come in 2016!

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