Join the League of Women Voters St. Paul (LWVSP) at our upcoming February Learn with the League program, “Saint Paul Vitality: Arts Lead the Way," a program to be held on Tuesday, February 25th, online from 7:00pm - 8:00pm.
At the program, you'll hear from leaders at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center (JCC), the East Side Arts Council, Public Art Saint Paul and Walker West, who will share the many endeavors taken by their groups to improve the quality of all of our lives with music, theater, public art, and literature.
This will be a virtual event. Interested participants can register on Zoom.
The Zoom webinar will be closed captioned and also rebroadcast through program partners, SCCTV and SPNN and hosted on the LWVSP YouTube channel 24 hours after the event.
© League of Women Voters of St. Paul